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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 2

Naslov:Development of arithmetical competencies in chinese and american children : influence of age, language, and schooling
Matična publikacija:Child Development / Susan C. Somerville
Napomena:str 2043-2044: Bibliografija
SignaturaC 413 PE
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka pedagogije

Autor(i):Geary, David C.
Naslov:The origin of mind : evolution of brain, cognition, and general intelligence / David C. Geary
Impresum:Washington, DC : American Psychological Association , cop. 2005
Materijalni opis:xii, 459 str. : ilustr. ; 26 cm
Napomena:Bibliografija: str. 343-417
Ključne riječi:kognitivna neuroznanost * evolucija * evolucijska psihologija * prirodna selekcija * razvoj inteligencije
Sažetak:This book sets out a comprehensive, integrated theory of why and how the human mind has developed to function as it does. Geary proposes that human motivational, affective, behavioral, and cognitive systems have evolved to process social and ecological information (e.g., facial expressions) that covaried with survival or reproductive options during human evolution. In this view, Darwin's conceptualization of natural selection as a "struggle for existence" becomes, for us, a struggle with other human beings for control of the available resources. This struggle provides a means of integrating modular brain and cognitive systems such as language with those brain and cognitive systems that support general intelligence. To support his arguments, Geary draws on an impressive array of recent findings in cognitive science and neuroscience as well as primatology, anthropology, and sociology. Geary also explores a number of issues that are of interest in modern society, including how general intelligence relates to academic achievement, occupational status, and income.
Sadržaj:Introduction and overview. - Natural and sexual selection. - Hominid evolution and the motivation to control. - Evolution and development of brain and cognition. - Modular domains of the human mind. - Heuristics and controlled problem solving. - Evolution of control-related mental models. - Evolution of general intelligence. - General intelligence in modern society
APA CC:2510
Signatura:2510 2005 GEA
Inventarni broj:309/2005
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Geary David C. )
